The Le Sueur River Watershed Network helps to raise awareness about the need for water storage, supports policy development and BMP implementation
Water Storage Forum
Network members were speakers and worked closely with WRC and Minnesota GreenCorps to create a full-day water storage forum. Over 150 people attended including the heads of many state agencies, SWCD and county board members, engineering firms, non-profits, and citizens. Learn more about the Water Storage Forum: https://mrbdc.mnsu.edu/water-storage-forum
Water Storage Watershed Tours
Network members hosted three water storage tours targeted for policy makers (Legislative Water Commission, now Subcommittee on Water Policy, Local elected officials, Izaak Walton League) to help them understand issues and learn directly from residents, local conservation partners, and emergency management professionals.
Water Storage Website
Network members helped Minnesota GreenCorps Member to create an informational clearinghouse about water storage. Learn more: https://mrbdc.mnsu.edu/water-storage
Water Storage Virtual Tour
Network leaders collaborated with the Water Resources Center at Minnesota State University, Mankato (WRC) to develop a water storage virtual tour to help the general public better understand the diversity of practices that help to store more water on the land.
Legislative Input and Tours
Policy makers have had the opportunity to learn directly from Network leaders about the need for water storage in the region through numerous watershed tours. A Network leader served on the Stakeholder Committee for the Subcommittee on Minnesota Water Policy to provide input about water legislative priorities.
Water Storage Bills
Network members have been working with many partners to raise awareness about the need for more water storage focused funding and have provided input and advice to shape water storage bills. Many members have supported legislative work to promote water storage bills led by Minnesota River Congress, Freshwater Society, and The Nature Conservancy.
Minnesota River Congress
Many Network leaders are involved with Minnesota River Congress and are helping to inform and support Minnesota River Congress’ legislative efforts at the capital. Learn more: https://www.mnrivercongress.org/
Water Storage Projects
Network leaders Pat and Kristin Duncanson continue to share their story about creating a series of water storage practices along Blue Earth County CD 57. Network leader Gene Scheffert is developing water storage project on his land near FarmAmerica (Waseca CD 19). Ozzie Arndt has hosted many tours of his property to show the multiple benefits of wetland restoration for neighbors, local elected officials and legislators.
GIS Conservation Targeting
Subwatershed planning projects have helped to identify water storage opportunity areas and clarified conservation targeting in five subwatersheds. Learn more about Le Sueur River Watershed Subwatershed Strategies: https://mrbdc. mnsu.edu/le-sueur-river-watershed-subwatershed-strategies
Soil Health Initiative
Network farmer leaders have crafted a grass-roots vision for increasing cover crop adoption in the watershed by supporting peer-to-peer learning and demonstrations. The group is currently seeking funding to support more experimentation, demonstrations and technical support for cover crops.