A priority focus for Le Sueur River Watershed Network is working to increase soil health practice adoption across the watershed to promote long term soil health, climate resiliency, improved water quality and overall watershed health.
Network leaders have developed a soil health initiative to promote cover crop and reduced tillage practices. They recently received a grant from the Fishers and Farmers Partnership for the Upper Mississippi Basin for a pilot program to provide free seed, application and mentoring by a cover crop specialist for 12 farmers in targeted subwatersheds. Learn more about the program and eligibility below.
Free Cover Crop Seed & Application
Pilot Program
Free cover crop seed and application is available for 12 producers in portions of the Le Sueur River Watershed. Eligible farmers will receive seed and application for 40 acres with a flexible one year contract. Producers are preferred to be located in the Cobb River or Iosco Creek subwatersheds (see interactive map at right).
Compensation will be provided to participating farmers, including advice from a cover consultant (via a rebate), after they have:
Convened a minimum of two times with mentor, advisor and peers.
Attended two technical meetings that demonstrate the integration of cover crops into conventional crop rotation.
To learn more:
Cover Crop Pilot Project, Priority Subwatersheds:
Interactive Subwatershed Map
For more information:
Mark Schaetzke
Waseca Soil and Water Conservation District
Phone: 507-835-0623
Email: marks.swcd@wasecacounty.gov